Gia - session 815 - dressage lesson at CDP

 I took Gia to CDP for a dressage lesson today.  We worked in the dressage arena, which she hasn't been in in a while.  She was a little distracted almost the whole time, but not bad.  Charlie had us working on a variety of different exercises - transitions, collect, lengthen, leg yield, haunches-in.  It all depended on how Gia reacted, as to what we would do.  We really mixed it up, and only did a little canter, but the canter we did do was pretty good.  She had a little trouble with the right lead today, so I had to do a little more haunches-in, tracking right, for her to get it.  Afterwards, she saw Cameron for some bodywork, and he found that she was a little restricted in her right shoulder, right elbow and the right base of her neck.  All of that could explain the difficulty with the right lead.  Hopefully, after her chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture, she feels a lot better!


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