Gia - session 808 - flatwork at CDP

 I took Gia to CDP for a lesson today.  We started out with stretching at the walk, as well as leg yields, bending, changes of direction and bend and haunches-in at the walk.  We moved on to walk/trot transitions.  I repeated those until she was softer and not against my hands in the bridle.  It did take a few in each direction before I got what I wanted.  At the trot, we repeated the leg yields, bending, and haunches-in, and we added in transitions to walk and halt, collecting and lengthening.  Finally, we added canter.  She was a bit against me during the transitions, but other than that, they were the best canters we've probably ever had!  She NEVER bucked, and the canter was soft and relaxed.  I was even able to collect it a bit, and she "held" herself in the canter!


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