Gia - session 805 - lunge over jumps

 I took Gia out to a different field to lunge over a few jumps that she doesn't normally go over.  However, she does live in the field with these jumps.  She warmed up nice and relaxed with her trot for a few laps in each direction.  Then I had her go over the black pipe and white pipe jumps, and those were no problem.  After each successful jump, I clicked the clicker and she got a treat. When I pointed her at the large tire jump, however, she stopped to check it out.  After just a few seconds, she did go over it, and we repeated the process to make sure she was good.  The same things happened when I sent her over it in the opposite direction.  After that, she decided to throw a bit of a temper tantrum, and went flying around on the lunge line, even throwing in a giant leap and buck.  I just allowed her to wear herself out with her galloping.  When she was finally tired, and ready to be more obedient, I pointed her at the jump again, in each direction.  She went over it with no problems, I clicked, and she got her treat.


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