Gia - session 790 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I started in a nice, stretchy, relaxed free walk at our lesson with Suzin today.  We worked on transitions between free walk and medium walk - encouraging roundness, while also keeping a correct tempo and relaxation.  We did the same with walk and trot transitions.  Most of them were pretty good today, just a few inconsistencies.  

We did a lot of lateral work - shoulder-in, leg yield, renvers, shoulder-out, tiny steps of half pass, lots of changes of bend and direction, all mostly at the trot, and some at the walk.  Then we added canter transitions to the mix.  Most of them were pretty good!  Only one of them had a little bucking, but then she came back and went forward, more correctly.  She even had some nice transitions from canter to trot.  I still had to focus on keeping my lower leg on, but she got the idea quicker today, so I didn't need it quite as firmly, or quite as long.


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