Gia - session 787 - drill team

 We had our drill team practice offsite again today.  It had rained a lot last night, and there was a large puddle right at the entrance to the dressage arena, and Gia was quite perturbed about it.  She refused to go through it, and darted around it several times.  We were working with our music for the first time, so I had to just make her keep going, and catch up with my teammates.  Every time we had to pass through it, I kept pushing her on.  Eventually, she started to relax about it, and went through it like it was nothing.  

In her second test, there was a lot of canter work.  She was a bit more "extra" today about her canter, probably because she got worked up about the puddle.  I kept both my legs on her hard, and tapped with the whip when I needed to.  She did eventually settle down and go correctly, but not as smoothly as last practice.


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