Gia - session 786 - in hand work with pole

 We had some nasty storms come through this morning when I was supposed to be working with horses, so Gia did a little work in hand today instead of under saddle.  A while back, Cameron (her chiropractor) had suggested working with her on walking straddle over a long pole, in hand, to help her track straighter with her legs.  I had done it a few times in the beginning, but we've been so busy with everything else, that it had fallen to the back burner.  Today was a good day to work on it again.  Gia remembered the exercise, but still struggled with it, physically.  Danielle had to guide her up front, while I guided her in the back.  Every time she took a step correctly, I clicked, and she got a treat.  It took several tries before she was able to get all the way down the pole without a mis step.


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