Gia - session 777 - lunge over jumps
I worked with Gia in the round pen today lunging over jumps. I warmed her up by trotting over a ground pole several times in each direction. I had all the "scary" items, that I like to put under the jumps, very near the ground pole, so she started out VERY reactive and trying to bolt away from the pole. I kept pushing her around, and she did eventually get over the pole.
As I raised the pole to a small vertical, then a larger vertical, she did fairly well, and jumped the jump properly. Next, I added a towel draped over the pole. That scared her a lot, and she didn't want to go over it at all. Once again, I had to keep pushing her on and encouraging her. Once she got over it the first time, it got easier the next time, and the next time. I kept on until she went over it without fussing at all. After each jump, I gave her a small treat and a pat.
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