Gia - session 758 - canter in the field

 I took Gia out to the field today with the intention of jumping, but we didn't quite get there.  We warmed up with walk and trot work.  In both gaits, I worked on keeping her hind feet moving more quickly.  She did fairly good with all that.  Then we worked on the canter transitions and the canter itself.  Having more space out in the field made it a little easier for me to allow her to work on her balance.  She still bucked a few times, when she wasn't quite together, but I was able to get several canter transitions that were not as explosive, and canters that stayed together better.  I had to really remember to keep my leg relaxed, and only use a bump with my leg to help her with balance, rather than a squeeze.  We ended up spending all our time on cantering, and didn't make it to the jumping.  However, I'm not too worried about the jumping anyway.  The big problem on jump courses right now has mostly to do with her canter.


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