Gia - session 752 - jump lesson at CDP

 Gia did fairly well for her jump lesson with Charlie today.  We warmed up with the usual - free walk, walk/trot transitions, leg yield out, haunches-in, collect, lengthen, etc.  All that went fairly well, so we did a few canter transitions.  Her canter was ok today.  She wasn't naughty - no bucking, but I could feel her tail swishing, and her hind end fishtailing a little, so I focused on keeping her straight and keeping her haunches to the inside.  That seemed to do the trick!  Her jumping was fairly uneventful today as well.  We mainly just jumped a large crossrail, tried to land at the canter (and hopefully, on the correct lead), and then just tried to stabilize the canter with more straightening work.


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