Gia - session 748 - jump at CDP

Before I took Gia to CDP for our lesson today, she decided to dance around quite a bit in the cross ties while waiting for me to get her on the trailer.  So, I took her up to the round pen and lunged her until she was more submissive and obedient and relaxed.  Luckily, it did not take too long, not nearly as long as the last time I had to do it.

Once at CDP, we warmed up with stretching at the walk, then walk/trot transitions, then forward and back at the trot, along with leg yield out and haunches-in.  Finally, we did a little canter in each direction.  She was not naughty, and was even more balanced than usual!

After we warmed up with a couple of good jumps over a crossrail, Charlie had us do several small jumps on tight turns.  The turns helped Gia to balance and focus.  She did get naughty once or twice, but came back fairly well.  She definitely struggled to figure it out at first, but was doing better by the end.


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