Gia - session 744 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 I started Gia's dressage lesson today at a free walk.  She had a good stretch, but was a little on the lazy side, so I had to encourage a little more walk.  When I picked her up to medium walk, I also asked for a few halt transitions.  She halted crooked a few times before I got a good, square halt from her.  

Moving on, we worked on walk to trot transitions.  Suzin had me be a little pickier today about making sure Gia stayed soft and obedient to the cues.  She was a little resistant in the beginning, and at times throughout the ride.  Each time she was resistant to go forward, or resistant to soften, I kicked her on, and sometimes added a push or light tap of the whip.  We worked all over the arena, with lots of changes of bend and direction, and she eventually started to get a bit more consistent.

I also asked for several canter transitions in each direction.  She was not naughty at all, but did want to suck back, and resist against my hand, alot in the beginning.  I kept pushing her through, and encouraging her to stay soft.  When she was good, I came back to the trot, and when she was good at the trot, I gave her a little stretchy trot reward.  By the end, her canter and transitions were a lot better!


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