Gia - session 741 - drill team

 We had our drill team practice today.  Gia subbed in for Butch, who is supposed to be doing a first level test, but came up lame this past week.  He will be out for about 4 months, so she will most likely be subbing for him during that time.  Hopefully, he will be ready by the end of the year, when we have our competition though!

In the first level test that we did today, she knows how to do almost everything, it's just a matter of putting it all together, and hoping that she keeps her cool during the canter work.  She does have to do simple lead changes, but it's ok if she doesn't get them perfectly right now.  

She actually did fairly well with everything!  She stayed fairly calm during the canter work.  It probably helped that she had a lot she had to pay attention to.  She even got the simple changes fairly well.  There were several trot steps between, but she was obedient and tried!

She also did her regular walk/trot test.  Overall today, she was a bit against my hand, but improved as we went along!


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