Gia - session 739 - dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I started out with a nice, stretching, relaxed free walk in out lesson with Suzin today.  We picked up to medium walk and did a few halt transitions.  She wanted to step back, so each time, I immediately sent her forward and halted again a few steps later.  It took a few tries before she would move into my hands better and stand quieter.  

After that, we moved on to walk/trot transitions.  She was against my hand, and a bit resistant to go forward and stay soft.  I worked on getting her to stretch down into my hands better, and lower the crest of her neck more.  Then we tried to keep that as we transitioned back and forth between walk and trot.  We did have a few good moments.

After a quick break, we moved on and tried the same exercise,  but with the canter in mind.  I didn't always ask for the canter, but if she was polite, I allowed it.  She did a bit of tail swishing, but did not really buck today.  I really focused on her straightness, especially in regards to how hard it was to move her shoulder to the right.  I had to use a lot of left knee and thigh, but once I felt her "unlock" the stiffness, and move her shoulder to the right, the canter transitions, and the canter itself, were much easier!  She gave me a LOT of nice moments at the canter today!


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