Gia - session 734 - hack on trail

 Gia injured herself late last week, so she was out of work for a few days.  Luckily, it was nothing serious, just a laceration near her hock (which can be serious if the laceration goes deep enough to infect the joint).  She was a little bit off, and a little swollen, but we monitored her temperature (to be on the lookout for infection), and treated her injury, and she was back to normal as of Saturday.

I wanted to keep things physically easy on her today, so we went for a hack on the trail.  She was a little nervous about some new stuff at the head of the trail, but after allowing her to relax, she was fine to continue on.  She was great for the the majority of the hack, until we came to a new-ish area, or rather, an area we had been avoiding lately due to it being too wet.  She was quite anxious about it, and did creep forward a little after relaxing several times.  However, she wasn't making any real progress, so I hopped off and led her through by hand.  She followed me hesitatingly, at first, and then relaxed a bit more.  She was much better by the end.


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