Gia - session 733 - jump lesson at CDP

Gia was a little naughty in the cross ties this morning before she was loaded on the trailer.  She started dancing around and acting impatient.  So, she got put in the round pen, where I sent her around in circles until she decided it would be easier to just behave herself.  It took her a little longer than I expected, especially considering how warm it was.  Stubbornness ...

When we got to CDP for our lesson, she was fairly quiet and relaxed.  We warmed up with the usual - stretching, bending, leg yields, haunches-in, go forward, come back, all at the walk and trot.  I also asked for the canter in both directions.  She was well-behaved, and we were able to work on balancing the canter.

Charlie had us work through several courses.  It didn't matter if she trotted or cantered, but she felt better when she cantered most of it.  In the beginning, I stayed out of the saddle, in half seat, to allow her back to move more freely.  Once she felt warmed up and obedient, I started to sit deeper.  As soon as I did, she started throwing her hind end around, and got a buck in.  I went back to a little bit lighter seat (but not as light as when I was warming up), and she seemed better with that.  I did notice that my seat bones were slightly uneven when I sat deeper on her, so perhaps she is just sensitive to that and it frustrates her?  Either way, I plan on working to sit deep but light, and see how that goes.


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