Gia - session 729 - lesson with Suzin

 I started my lesson with Suzin with Gia on a long rein, stretching at the walk.  She was a bit tight at first, but then relaxed and really got into a good stretch with a good overstep.  I picked her up to medium walk, and did several transitions to halt.  If her halt was good, I asked for rein back.  If it was not good, I walked on and tried again.  Then I asked for a trot transition from one of the good rein backs.  She moved forward nicely, with a good push from behind.

As we were moving around the arena at the trot, changing bend and direction, Gia started to feel a bit tight, and tense.  At times, she would resist going forward, but then rush into the canter.  I would bring her back, but then she would get tight again.  Suzin had me allow her to canter, so she could get her tension out.  She was fairly well behaved, once I let her canter.  She only bucked if she was on the wrong lead, and it was just to switch the leads since she knew she was incorrect.  After a few laps in each direction at the canter, she was a little tired, and didn't really try to break into canter or get upset or tight.  We were able to go back and work on our trot work.  Suzin had us work on lengthening and collecting the trot.  The lengthening was very good, but I had to work on collecting Gia more with my core, and in more of a pulsing rhythm, rather than a steady, consistent rhythm.  We were able to get one good one in each direction.


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