Gia - session 725 - jumping

 I worked with Gia on her jumping in the arena today.  I warmed her up with free walk, at first.  She was a bit tense and quick, so I worked on slowing her walk down, in addition to encouraging her to stretch and travel straight.  She eventually relaxed, and settled in to work.  Then I picked her up to a trot, and worked on bending in the corners, and changes of bend across the diagonal.  We trotted over a few poles, then a small vertical.  Next, we went over a 2' vertical, which she trotted at first.  I had to get her moving a little quicker, and she finally picked up a canter and jumped the jump.  Her jump was pretty good, but she often landed on the wrong lead, so I helped her with that using a little leading inside rein over the jump.  When we landed in a good canter, on the correct lead, I worked on balancing and stabilizing the canter.  She felt pretty good in both directions today!


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