Gia - session 704 - jumping

 I worked with Gia in my arena over fences today.  I thought she was going to be a little spicy at first, but when I started stretching her down, she felt fairly loose.  I worked on free walk to medium walk transitions, as well as bending at the walk.  Then I added walk to trot transitions, and bending at the trot.

Over fences, I started her a little slow at the trot, and all she did was trot over the jumps.  Then I pushed her into a bigger trot, but she still just trotted over the jumps.  I was finally able to get a canter from her by letting her do a small line of two jumps. She did swish her tail and think about bucking at the canter, but she never followed through.  I made sure to keep my feet forward, keep my leg on, and keep her poll up. 


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