Gia - session 703 - dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I worked on a lot of transitions in our lesson with Suzin today.  We started with free walk to medium walk.  Gia has a really nice free walk, but tends to get inverted when I pick her up to the medium walk.  So, I worked on keeping her softer as I picked her up.  It's a little slow right now, but the speed of picking her up will increase eventually.

We also worked on halt to rein back to walk transitions, and eventually to trot, and finally to a lengthened trot, with the goal of getting her to sit down more behind, and engage her hind end more.  She also had to work on not inverting during the up transitions, especially.  Finally, we added that she had to come back to a medium walk after all that.  She did a really good job of moving off my leg, and we had a lot of lengthening moments.  However, we only had one moment in each direction where she actually camp up in the withers and lowered her hind end in the lengthening.  Those two felt amazing!


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