Gia - session 693 - dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I started our lesson with Suzin today with a nice stretch at the walk.  We also did a little bit of turn-on-the-haunches, leg yield and transitions at walk and trot.  Then we mainly focused on canter transitions.  It didn't matter if it came from the walk or trot, but most of them came from the walk.  She had to be obedient, not naughty, and keep her shoulder out and haunches in.  Once we would get the canter, I had to soften, and then ask her to go a tiny bit more forward.  She mostly started with a very collected canter.  Eventually, I was even able to ask her to stretch a bit at the canter.  Finally, I had to bring her back to the trot before she broke on her own.  She only bucked a few times, and I was able to catch it and correct it quickly.  After that, she really tried to behave and give me what I wanted.  It was definitely hard for her, but she gave me a lot of small, but good, moments!


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