Gia - session 690 - jumping in the field

 I took Gia out in the field for her workout today.  Her walk was a little quick, so I worked on slowing it down and helping her relax.  When that was better, we did walk to trot transitions.  She had to stay soft in the bridle during the transition, or we came back and did it again.  It took a few before she was obedient. Whenever she was soft, I pointed her at a jump, just small and medium sized jumps, nothing too big.  I focused on keeping her soft before and after the jump, but it didn't matter if she trotted or cantered the jump.  She was a bit anxious at first, but when her softness was more consistent, she relaxed a lot, and we got to do a lot of nice cantering!  The only jump she stopped at was my small ditch.  I gave her a minute to check it out, and then she walked over it.  We trotted and cantered it a few more times with no problems.


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