Gia - session 674 - dressage (and trailer loading)

 I worked with Gia on her flatwork today.  We warmed up with a nice medium walk and free walk.  I focused on using my legs to encourage her to lift and round through her back.  I repeated the same exercise at the trot, and through the transitions to the trot.  She was VERY responsive to this work today!  I also worked on pushing her haunches a little to the inside, and encouraging a little counter bend.  

She was VERY willing at the canter, and even offered it right to me without asking, once I picked her up after a walk break.  We cantered several times in each direction, and there was only the slightest hint of a buck once.  I didn't even really have to reprimand it, because she immediately changed her tune and went back to work.  I worked on encouraging the roundness at the canter, and it was more difficult for her, but she did give me a few good moments.


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