Gia - session 670 - flatwork and trailer loading

 I worked with Gia on her flat work in the arena today.  We started with bending and softening at the walk and trot.  She was very responsive and obedient, so we moved on to some canter work.  She was a bit uncoordinated at first, and did throw in a small buck at the first canter.  I kept pushing her through, and she finally responded to my cues to go forward.  After that, her canter work was very good!  She was eager to canter, and sometimes picked it up before I asked, but she never bucked, so I let it go.  I worked on collecting it a little today.  That was difficult, and she kept falling out of it, but when she gets stronger, it will be easier.

After our ride, I hopped off, untacked her, and prepared to put her on the trailer for a little practice before we have to get on for real tomorrow.  I used a pan of grain, and led her on the trailer the first time.  She went right on with no hesitation.  The second, third and fourth time, I stayed outside the trailer and sent her on ahead of me.  Each time she went right on with no problems.  Fingers crossed she does it like that tomorrow!


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