Gia - session 666 - jumping

 I worked with Gia on her jumping in the arena today.  After warming up with the usual - circles, bending, and leg yields at the walk and trot, I also warmed up with a little canter work, using the neck strap.  She was quite good.  Not a hint of naughtiness.  I was also able to work a little on bringing her canter back as well as pushing it forward with no resistance.  

When we started jumping, she was very obedient and relaxed.  She took the large crossrails and 2' verticals very nicely, but always landed on her left lead.  So, I worked on helping her land on her right lead.  When she tried to, she would get discombobulated, so I would bring her back to the walk, organize and try again.  Eventually, she learned to organize herself, and the jumps were better, and she was able to land on the right lead.


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