Gia - session 662 - flat and jump at CDP

For some time now, Gia has been having small tantrums in the cross ties on Tuesday mornings while she waits to be loaded on the trailer to go to CDP - pawing, moving around, excessive pooping.  For some reason, it only happens on Tuesday mornings, not on show mornings.  I've tried a couple different tactics to get her to relax, but nothing seems to be working.  Today, I put her up in the round pen, instead of having her stand in the crossties, while I got stuff together.  She was pretty anxious right away - lots of pacing and running around, and a bit of hollering.  When I was ready to get her to load, I went in and started sending her around on the rail, changing direction often, and not letting her have a break until she showed some signs of submission and relaxation - head down, licking and chewing, etc.  It took a bit longer than I expected, but once she was quieter, I let her rest, and she came in to me very nicely and quietly.  I held her while Danielle put her shipping boots on, and she stood fairly well.  She even walked much quieter to the trailer, and got on with less fuss than usual.  This might be her norm on Tuesdays for a while.  Hopefully, it works!

Meanwhile, at CDP, I started Gia out with some circles, leg yields and bending at the walk and trot until she was fairly relaxed and obedient.  She started a tiny bit nervous, looking around, but not bad, and she quickly relaxed  into the work.  Once she was warmed up, I did a little bit of haunches-in with her, and then some canter transitions.  She was pretty obedient, and I only felt a slight hint of naughty thinking once or twice.  At the canter, I had to focus on not letting it get too big, using half halts, and keeping it more collected.  Sometimes she broke to the trot, so we organized and cantered again.

Charlie also had us jump a small course of 2' jumps.  She did fairly well.  Sometimes trotting, occasionally cantering the jumps.  Again, I had to focus on not letting her trot or canter get too big before or after the jumps.  She felt super relaxed, and I think she was even having fun!


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