Gia - session 660 - Drill team!

 Gia and I had drill team practice tonight.  This year, Gia is on two drill teams.  One is a pas de deux, where she will have to canter, among other things, (hopefully, we will have that figured out by the end of the year).  The other is a quadrille where she just has to walk and trot.  At tonight's practice, all we did was run through each test at the walk, so not too taxing on her.  Despite the very cold temperatures, she was actually pretty good.  She has no problems walking beside other horses, or having them walk in front of, or behind her.  There was a small break in between tests, while I was waiting for others to mount, so I worked a little with her at the trot, and a tiny bit of canter.  She was a little resistant to pick up the trot at first, but she wasn't naughty.  Same for the canter, and we only had time to do a tiny bit tracking left.  I focused on staying loose, but also asking for some bend and leg yield.  Overall, she did very well!


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