Gia - session 658 - lunge over jumps

 I worked with Gia on lunging over jumps on a circle today.  I started with just 4 poles in each quadrant of a roughly 20 meter circle.  She quickly figured out the correct way to move her feet and the correct striding to make everything smooth.  She was also pretty eager to go over the poles, not trying to dodge out of the way of them.  When those were good, I bumped one of the poles up to a 2' vertical.  Tracking left, she quickly figured out how to negotiate everything, and was landing on the correct lead after the jump as well.  Tracking right was a bit harder.  She had a hard time landing on the correct lead, and also a hard time figuring out the best striding to make everything work.  She was able to get it by the end though.


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