Gia - session 644 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started with a nice stretch at the walk, then moved up to medium walk, all while bending and changing direction.  Then we worked on walk to trot transitions.  I really focused on getting her to stay soft during the transitions.  It took much fewer transitions before she was giving them to me more correctly.  We also worked on throwing in some halt transitions here and there, as well as a little rein back.

Our main focus today was on a lot of suppling work - turn-on-the-haunches, shoulder-in, renvers, leg yield, etc.  Some of it was easy for her, some of it was a bit harder, but I was able to get a decent reaction from her with everything.  She was only slightly naughty today - just tail swishing, nothing more, but I corrected even that small amount as quickly as I could.  I didn't ask for canter today, but she did offer it to me a few times.  It was all very polite, almost like an apology, but I mostly ignored it ... for now...


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