Gia - session 636 - gymnastic

 I started Gia out this morning with some stretching and bending at the walk and trot, as well as some walk/trot transitions.  Once we were warmed up, we worked on a small gymnastic.  We started with just trotting over 6 poles.  She was a bit quick at first, so I worked on regulating her speed, and then adding circles at the end to help with the bending afterwards.  Once that was more consistent, I added a large crossrail.  She figured out her footwork a little quicker today than she did last time we did the gymnastic.  She cantered away from the jump almost every time.  Each time she cantered, I worked on helping her balance with inside leg and outside rein.  It was hard for her big body to make the tight turns in my arena, so we worked on her bending whenever we lost the canter.  When all that was better, I just added one more pole, about one stride after the crossrail.  She had no problems with that addition.


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