Gia - session 631 - pig desensitization

 I decided to work with Gia in-hand this morning, and help her get more comfortable with the pigs.  They are currently living in a pen that is inside Gia's field, so she can get up pretty close to them.  For the first few days, Gia and the other mares stayed a very far distance from them.  They wouldn't even get close enough to their round bale to eat because that meant getting too close to the pigs.  Gradually, each day, they have been getting closer and closer.  They are very comfortable eating their hay now.  Gia has even been spending the last couple of days right next to their pen, checking them out.  

Today, I took her inside the pen to meet them even closer.  She spent a lot of time sniffing around and checking everything out.  The pigs never stayed still enough for her to actually touch them, but she got close.  She did pin her ears at them a few times, so I quickly yanked on her rope halter and let her know that was not acceptable behavior.  The pigs were not crazy about her being that close, and in their pen, but I think it  helped Gia to see there was nothing to worry about.  

I've seen her hanging out with them even more often today.


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