Gia - session 630- dressage lesson

 Gia and I worked with Suzin today.  She started out with a very relaxed and stretchy free walk.  As I picked her up to medium walk, there was some resistance to my hands, so I worked on softening her and using lateral work to help.  Same when I went to pick up the trot.  I used a lot of shoulder-in, leg yields, bending, travers, renvers, and just going back and forth until she was more supple and more obedient to transitions.  I also worked on trot to canter transitions.  She had a few small naughty moments during transitions, so I worked on getting her correctly bent beforehand, and asking extremely softly for the cue.  I only cantered a few steps, and tried to bring her back before she became unbalanced.  Most of the down transitions were not that great, but her last one was much more obedient and responsive!


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