Gia - session 627 - lunge over jumps

 I worked with Gia on lunging over some jumps today.  She was a bit distracted by our new farm friends (we have new pigs!), so I thought it best to stay off her back for the first day.

I worked with her in the arena, and set up three poles about 9' apart.  After she had trotted through them on the lunge line in each direction, I started to raise the center pole.  We started with a small vertical, then a larger vertical, then a tall vertical (about 2').  Then I added an oxer and made it fairly wide.  She was able to trot in to all but the last two height changes.  Those she had to canter into.  She wanted to drift outside the circle when she jumped, so I added a few blocks to help her stay straight.  Once she got the hang of it, she did really well!


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