Gia - session 620 - Dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I worked with Suzin today on our dressage.  We started with a relaxing and stretchy walk, then worked on transitions to the trot.  She was a bit resistant, so I used shoulder-in, and other lateral work to soften her before the transitions.  At the trot, I also did a lot of lateral work, including shoulder-in, renvers, leg yield, and haunches-in.  We also did a few steps of turn-on-the-haunches at the walk.  Sometimes we would transition to a trot lengthening when she felt lighter and softer, and sometimes we would transition to a canter.  Her lengthenings were good, her canter had a lot of bucking again.  I worked on desensitizing her to taps of the whip, especially at the canter, and that helped subdue the bucking.  I also worked on getting her right into a shoulder-in after we lost the canter.  She did have some nice moments today.


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