Gia - session 615 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Suzin worked with Gia and I today on our dressage.  We started with a very nice, relaxed, stretchy free walk.  Moving into the medium walk, I hit a little resistance.  Any time I hit resistance throughout my ride, I closed my driving leg, braced with my core, and kept my fingers moving until she softened.  As soon as she did soften, I would relax those three things, and often pat her and praise her.  For the most part, the worst thing she did today was to push against me with resistance, especially during up transitions.  She did throw in a few little bucks, but not that often, and not that big.  

We worked on a variety of schooling figures and exercises, including turn-on-the-haunches, shoulder-in, leg yield, haunches-in, transitions between all gaits, including halt.  Gia added her own flair with a few nice lengthening steps, and even a half step of canter pirouette!


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