Gia - session 605 - gymnastic

 I worked with Gia on her jumping in the arena, using a gymnastic today.  We started with all the poles laid out - 6 trot poles, then enough room for one stride, then one pole, then enough room for another stride, then one pole.  She was a little overwhelmed with all the poles the first few times, but by the third time she had figured it out and we just had to open the poles up a little bit more to accommodate her big stride.  I typically prefer to start with just a few trot poles, and then add more as we go, but when you are working with minimal help, it's not very efficient to do it that way.  It's good for her to be able to adapt though.

Once the trot poles were easier, we added a small vertical after the first 4 trot poles.  That was too small, so we had to make it a 2' vertical.  She jumped that fine, so we added another 2' vertical, one stride away.  She also jumped that fine, although the distance was a little tight, so we opened it up and added a third 2' vertical one stride away.  She was very quick to figure out the gymnastic and work her way through it correctly!


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