Gia - session 598 - trail ride at Raven Rock

 Danielle and I decided to take advantage of this nice weather today, and a completely empty day off, and took our "ponies" out for a trail ride.  We had intended to go to Sandy Pines, but on arrival found out that they were closed.  So, we shifted gears quickly and decided to try out Raven Rock State Park.  It's only about an hour from the barn, but I had never been there before.  It's not bad - a little small with only two 4 mile trails, very narrow and rocky paths, so we could only walk, but VERY peaceful.  

Gia was looky and alert, but fairly relaxed pretty much the entire time.  She set out with a very ground covering walk (Ali was either pretty far behind us, or had to trot to keep up with us).  There were times where Ali was in front, but Gia didn't seem to mind whether she led or followed.  The were two water crossings, where we had to cross a running creek.  Gia was definitely anxious and resistant.  Ali went first easily. With some prodding, and me letting her check things out, Gia followed, eventually.  I tried to keep the water crossings very non-chalant, and rewarded her when she made good decisions.  All in all, it was a lovely day!


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