Gia - session 596 - trail

 I took Gia for a hack on the trail today.  There were still branches down from the past storm, and the trail was littered with leaves, and also some bare spots where the water had washed the ground cover away.  She didn't seem bothered by the branches or the leaves, but the bare spots were a big challenge for her.  She stopped abruptly in one area in particular, refusing to go forward.  I asked nicely once or twice, and then had to get after her more sharply to let her know that stopping and backing up were not options.  She thought about being naughty briefly, and then went forward, although hesitatingly.  As long as she was making forward progress, I left her alone.  When we came back through that spot the second time, she was nervous, but didn't dare stop!  The rest of the trail was fairly uneventful, although she was nervous and blowing a little.


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