Gia - session 594 - dressage

 I worked with Gia in my grass dressage arena today.  It can be slightly more challenging to work in there because it's in a different place, in a field where other horses live, it's grass footing, and it's not as level or smooth as the main ring.  So, needless to say, I did not have high expectations for today's ride.  

I was pleasantly surprised!

I started with a lot of stretching at the walk, and Gia was immediately relaxed and obedient.  When we were ready to trot, we worked on stretching and transitions between walk and trot.  That was also quite nice and relaxed.  So, I decided to move on and try the canter.  It was actually quite good!  In both directions! Including the transitions!  When I asked for the canter, I tried to continue to encourage the stretch.  She didn't stretch quite as good as she does at the walk and trot, but the effort was definitely there.  She never gave any hints of disobedience, not even tail swishing.  She stayed fairly balanced and quiet and relaxed.  I was able to get the exact same thing twice in both directions.  Maybe she's finally getting it!


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