Gia - session 589 - Sedgefield Jumper show

 I took Gia to the Sedgefield Jumper show today.  Danielle lunged her while I worked with a student, but said that Gia was practically perfect!  So, I was hoping for a nice ride today ... I was disappointed ...

Gia started right away with her naughtiness in warm up.  She was very tense, with her tail swishing, and her hind end wanting to go anywhere but forward.  I did a lot of small circles, with bending and leg yielding.  I also did a lot of work over poles and small jumps with tight circles afterwards.  She finally felt a little better, so we went in for our classes.  

We had three jump rounds at 2' today.  In the first round, she was a hot mess - bucking, tail swishing, lots of hard drifts of her body left or right.  Once I knew we had shot the round, I started to work on schooling her with small circles anytime she felt naughty.  That definitely helped, and her second round was much more well behaved!  She did knock a couple of rails down trying to fit two of her big strides down a line.  However, in her third round, the naughty Gia reared her head again.  It wasn't as bad as the first round, but definitely not as good as the third round.  It was a bit disappointing to have her behave so badly after she was so good at the last show, but that's horses for you!


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