Gia - session 586 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Suzin worked with Gia and I today, starting with stretching at the walk, and then walk/trot/walk transitions while keeping her in a stretch.  Gia was resistant to do both the stretch and the transition at the same time, but she eventually softened, and it became easier.  We worked a lot on perfecting her shoulder-in, and getting it more correct - more bend around my inside leg, with not too much angle, but with the shoulder coming off the rail.  Gia struggled with each of those things at times, but she also had some really nice moments at times.  We also played a little with half pass and renvers, both of which Gia was able to give me some small moments, and both of which will help improve her loading up capacity.  I allowed her to lengthen her trot as a reward, but also right after setting her up with a bit of shoulder-in to improve the thrust.  I could feel 1-4 good steps each time.  We didn't canter at all today, but Gia did have a few naughty moments due to anticipating the canter.


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