Gia - sessions 563 and 564 - jumping in the field

I actually rode Gia twice on Friday.  In the morning was her regular session.  We started with free walking in the field, as well as walk, trot work to stretch and loosen up.  Then we worked on jumping and balancing.  She was fairly good, not really resistant to go forward to the jump.  She was a little unbalanced and quick after the jumps, but I cantered her and worked on half halts to bring her up and more balanced.

In the afternoon, one of my students was having her last lesson before college, and she wanted a bunch of us to have fun on horseback in the field together, including me and Gia.  Things started out well with our warm up, but my neighbor's unruly dogs rushed her at the fence and scared her quite a bit.  She was resistant to go forward and be obedient after that, so it took a while to get her behaving again.  We had several naughty, bucking moments, but I was able to get her back eventually and have a couple of good jumps and canters.


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