Gia - session 576 - schooling at the show

 On Saturday I took Gia down to the War Horse schooling event at the Carolina Horse Park to school stadium and cross country in preparation for the show the next day.  Danielle lunged her, and said that she did fairly well.  She was a little quieter in the stall this time, as compared to last time, but still a bit upset when her neighbor left her.  

When I warmed her up for stadium, we did a bit of walk and trot, including going over a ground pole several times.  Then I put her over a few jumps.  She was actually fairly good - focused, well-behaved, etc.  In the ring, she also did fairly well.  There was one jump she didn't like, and she refused it the first time, then jumped it pretty big and clumsily the second time.  We came back at the end and got it again, and she jumped it just fine.  All the other jumps went just fine.  I think I remember she only bucked once

We moved on to school cross country after that.  That was a little harder for her.  There were a few jumps she refused at, but she went over them the second time.  She also refused at the water.  I was able to get her in with Ali leading her.  After that, she went in on her own, with a little encouragement from me. She did have some nice canter moments in between the jumps though!


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