Gia - session 574 - dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin on Wednesday.  After warming up with the usual stuff, we decided to switch things up and work on the canter before really working on the trot stuff.  We wanted to get it out of the way, and then end on something that wouldn't have her anticipating the canter work.  Time will tell if it worked or not!  

Her canter work was not too bad.  She had several nice moments, interspersed with some mild bucking.  We mainly worked on getting a decent trot to canter transition, but came back to the trot as soon as things began to fall apart.

At the trot, we did a lot of work on lengthening and shoulder-in.  She also had a lot of nice moments there, where she was really sitting down and pushing off with her hind end!


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