Gia - session 556 - jump and canter in field

 I started Gia today with a walk in the fields.  We also went into the pond again today.  She did not hesitate at all, but walked right in and wanted to play.  I encouraged her to keep moving and we finished our warm up with some trot around the fields.  She did not feel tense or anxious at all!

When I started jumping her, and she landed in the canter, she did throw in a few bucks.  I pushed her to go forward, but she was very resistant.  I noticed that she was more resistant when we were heading away from her friends that were in the same field.  So, I used their presence to help Gia work on being more obedient to my leg.  I jumped her over something that was headed in their direction.  When she landed at the canter, it was polite, so I encouraged her to keep going in their direction.  Once we passed them, she was still pretty relaxed, so I encouraged her to keep going, and she was more responsive to my leg.  We did this a few times, always starting out heading towards her friends, but eventually working our way away from them as well.


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