Gia - session 555 - dressage lesson

 Gia and I started our dressage lesson today with a lovely free walk.  We then did free walk and medium walk transitions, working on keeping the rhythm and shape the same.  At the trot, we did A LOT of transitions between walk, trot, halt, rein back, etc.  We did a lot of suppling exercises as well, such as shoulder-in, leg yield, bending, softening, changes of direction, etc.  We also did a little bit of collected walk and turn-on-the-haunches.  Finally, we worked on some shoulder-in to canter transitions, as well as collected, medium and lengthened trot.  Gia was super responsive, although sometimes confused.  I worked to help explain things to her a little better, and to be more clear with my aids.  Even at the canter, there was no bucking or naughty moments.  She had a lot of really nice moments where she lowered her hind end and elevated her forehand! 


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