Gia - session 552 - dressage lesson

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started with stretching at the walk, then free walk to medium walk transitions, then walk to trot transitions.  She had a nice walk, and was only a little against my hand at first for the transitions.  We proceeded to do a lot of bending and suppling and transition work.  She kept wanting to put her haunches one way or the other, so I countered with a leg yield that had the shoulder leading.  We did a lot of halt transitions, but she was very fidgety at the halt, so it took quite a few to get some good ones.  We also did some lengthening at the trot.  She really loves to lengthen, so most of those went quite well.  I also did almost all my work off the rail.  Hence, the main reason her haunches wanted to wander.  The rail helps to keep them in line, but off the rail, I have to work on the straightness more myself, and Gia has to learn to keep her own balance.


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