Gia - session 550 - Combined training show

 Gia competed in the Green as Grass combined training division at the War Horse event yesterday.  I started with some lunging, and she was about the same as the day before, maybe slightly more relaxed.  Once we were under saddle, we headed up to warm up, with one of the other ponies from the barn, Cisco.  She was slightly less spooky than she has been in the past.  In warm up, there was absolutely no naughtiness, although she was very distracted by keeping an eye on where Cisco was.  I did a lot of leg yielding and bending to get her attention, but she was still a bit distracted.  I started to add some shoulder-in, and she started to pay more attention to me.  The she offered a few canter steps, so I decided to play around with that.  Again, no naughtiness.  She didn't keep the canter for very long, but she was fairly relaxed, and seemed to be more focused on what I wanted her to do.  She was starting to get a little stuck, so I asked for some trot lengthenings as well.  She felt a lot more relaxed after we played around with the more "advanced" stuff.

In her dressage test, I thought she felt the best she's felt in the show ring thus far! She seemed more relaxed to me, although the judge did note some straightness and rhythm issues, and we scored 33.13%, putting us in third place to start.

When it was time to jump, it had started raining.  Eventers don't stop for rain, so off we went to warm up!  She had to head up alone, so she was a little nervous, but kept moving.  In warm up, we started by trotting over a ground pole.  After a few times, she was already starting to relax, so I started jumping her.  She was fantastic - obedient, forward, not rushing, no bucking!  When it was our turn, she was hesitant to enter (black mats were at the entrance).  Once in, she was a little nervous.  I was just about to pick up the trot, as we were passing the jump judge's stand, and they pressed the buzzer.  She was so startled she nearly fell over, but managed to get it back together and pay attention.  We went over the first jump at the trot, and then she cantered off nicely, and proceeded to canter the entire course very softly and quietly, with no naughtiness, and lots of obedience to my half halts and leg!  It was definitely the best course she's ever had, and she went double clear!  

We ended up finishing the weekend in second place.  This was definitely a turning point for her, and I really felt like she was starting to understand her job.  And she likes it!


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