Gia - session 544 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I started out with stretching at the walk in our dressage lesson with Suzin today.  Gia was very soft and fairly relaxed.  We did a few free walk/medium walk transitions, which were also good.  We had to do a few walk to trot transitions before I got one that was not fussy or against my hand.  

Once we were warmed up, we did a LOT of lateral work - turn on the haunches at the walk, shoulder-in at walk and trot, leg yield at walk and trot, travers at walk and a little at trot, haunches-out at walk and trot.  Sometimes, she would get stuck in a movement, so I used trot lengthenings to get her un-stuck.  I also allowed some canter transitions when she felt good.  She did not offer any naughty moments at the canter.  Her canter work was a little against my hand, but when I was able to soften her (with a leg yield or shoulder-in), it felt really nice!  She even offered one step of canter pirouette!


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