Gia - session 531 - flatwork and a little jumping in the field

 I worked with Gia out in the field today.  I started with the same stretching at the walk, and then worked on free walk to medium walk transitions until she was not resisting.  Her walk was a little quick and tense.  Once I could get the transitions without resistance, I worked on trot transitions, and then stretchy trot and working trot transitions.  She did think about bucking at first, and managed to get a tiny buck in once.  Each time I felt her tense and put her head up, I positioned her and made her move on.  Eventually, she relaxed into the work, but it did take a little longer, probably because we were in the field.  Finally, I worked over a few of the small jumps in the field.  I just wanted to see if we could get over them without resistance.  She actually did quite well, and finished our ride fairly relaxed


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