Gia - session 530 - dressage with Suzin

 I had a lesson with Suzin today.  We started out with some stretching at the walk, then moved on to free walk, medium walk transitions.  When Gia was not resisting, we moved on to trot transitions.  At the trot, we did a lot of bending, leg yields, transitions between halt and walk and trot, and lots of shoulder-in.  Anytime she resisted, I immediately positioned her to soften her, and then went right back to what we had been working on, like nothing had happened.  

When she felt good at the shoulder-in, I asked for the canter.  I repeated the same exercise as above, whenever she got resistant at the canter.  At first, she would come out of the canter when I corrected her.  Eventually, she learned to stay soft, and was able to keep the canter longer.  Also, because I was correcting her quickly, she was only able to get one slight buck in the whole time.  I let her finish when I had gotten a good, confirmed canter, without resistance in each direction.


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